Page 1,2,3, Honoring Lt. Jack

Our Lt. Jack Passed Away Unexpectedly March 19, 2013

Tribute to Jack Benedick by Bill Reynolds

Jack’s awards table, assembled by Nancy, Mike & Jack Jr. Rightfully Jack’s ashes
are stored in that Vietnam era ammo box and he wouldn’t have it any other way!

Nancy Benedick & her
son’s Mike and Jack, Jr.
held a wonderful tribute
to Lt. Jack
April 21, 2013

Charlie Company troopers honoring Jack with his sons the evening prior to their “Celebration of Jack’s Life”.  Left to right:  Jack Jr. Benedick, Herb Lind, Idoluis Casares, Bill Reynolds, Stan Cockerell, Steve Hopper, Mike Benedick, Tim Fischer & Jace Johnston. Missing in the photo is Mike Cramer, Willie McTear and Tom Hogle.
Two of Lt. Jack’s troopers, Idoluis Casares
and Mike Cramer.
Jennifer Hopper taking our group photo.
Idoluis Casares & Stan Cockerell – 2nd Platoon troopers
who served under Jack’s command.
Herb Lind & Tim Fischer kicking back at the
Hampto Inn – Golden, Colorado.
Charlie Company’s gift to Jack’s sons – Steve
Hopper had them made.
Recalling our Vietnam days – Dan Kerr, Steve Hopper,
Willie MacTear, & Idoluis Casares.
Meg Reynolds
Smokin’ Hot!” – Bill Reynolds
Dan Kerr, Steve Hopper, Willie McTear, Idoluis Casares, Stan
Cockerell, Herb Lind, and Tim Fischer.
Stan Cockerell & Herb Lind
Meg Reynolds & Linda Cockerell.
Jack Jr., Idoluis Casares, Stan Cockerell, Steve Hopper & our
ole Company Commander Herb Lind.
Linda Cockerell, Nancy and
Willie McTear.
Nancy had a very nice gathering at her home following her tribute to Jack’s life.
Lt. Phil Bateman, Bravo platoon leader &
good buddies with Lt. Jack.
Professor Tom Hogle enjoying the camaraderie
of his fellow Charlie Company troopers.
Steve & Jennifer Hopper embracing Nancy
at her home after a wonderful event.
Bill and Meg Reynolds hugging Nancy while talking about
how nice her “Celebration of Life” for Jack turned out.
Steve Hopper & Charlie Company troopers present plaques honoring Lt. Jack to Mike & Jack, Jr.
A great many friends, family, ole Army buddies, and ole ski pals turned out to honor Lt. Jack’s life.
 What a great man he was… we miss you, Jack.
Jack, Jr. gave a stirring homage to his Dad & he led the ole Charlie Company troopers in saluting Lt. Jack.
Willie McTear gave a heartfelt tribute to Lt. Jack.
Our Charlie Company folks had a nice dinner
together the evening prior to Lt. Jack’s
“Celebration of Life” tribute.