3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade
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3rd Platoon troopers on a well deserved beer break – Lt. Phil Bateman (center).
Jerry Matheis (3rd Platoon), the day after our big battle near Ap Bac Village. June 20, 1967.
Several 3rd Platoon troopers crossing the river to
advance on the VC’s position – June 19, 1967.
3rd Platoon troopers during our June 19th Battle.
Jim Millerand Bob Good taking a break after a hard fought battle.
This is the site of our June 19th Battle near Ap Bac Village
where we were all pinned down… all day.
Bob Good, center, & Jim Franklin at right
with Dong Tam in the distance.

Lt. Phil Bateman, enjoying the Mekong – Jul ’67