Charlie Company’s Party – Fort Riley, Kansas – Nov. 1966. Rollie Gangler (wasn’t he in American Graffiti?) & Stan Cockerell at right.
There’s Mike Cramer lovin’ a day off from training.
Gene Harvey from Southern California.
Sgt. Smith – Charlie Co.’s Mess Sergeant. Bob Jindra stands behind him. Bob gave the ultimate sacrifice June 19, 1967.
October 1966 – 2nd Platoon on maneuvers near the old farm houseat Fort Riley. Mario Lopez back left and Willie McTear to his right.
Mike Cramer & Butch Eakins & their 90’s. Mario Lopez, Don Jackson & Willie McTear behind them.
2nd Platoon troopers on maneuvers – Don Jackson at right.
Sergeant Buford Hoover facing camera.
2nd Platoon troopers cleaning weapons after a training assault exercise. There’s Larry Hoyle at left – October 1966.
Mike Cramer carryin’ his 90MM recoilless rifle during training at Fort Riley.
Helicopter training at Fort Riley – Nov. 1966
Mike aboard the USS General John Pope (Sloop John B) headed to Viet Nam. January 27, 1967.
Southern California Baptists aboard the USS General John Pope L to R: Chaplain John Dolaghan – USN (West Hollywood), James Adams (Panarama City), Pfc Richie (Van Nuys), Mike Cramer (Panarama City), Pfc Hicks (Valley Park), Chaplain Johnson – USA.
Okinawa – January 1967 – our troop ship docked here for five hours to resupply.
4th/47th Battalion troopers preparing to disembark the USS Pope at Vung Tau. Wilson Burleson & Frank Modde nervously smoking.
Our big day finally arrived as we head to shore at Vung Tau, South Viet Nam -January 31, 1967.
Charlie Company troopers don flak jackets and load up for the wild ride to Camp Bearcat. The deuce and a half drivers went 40 mph bumper to bumper.