2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade
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Happy To Be Alive!
Henry Hubbard, Mike Cramer & Bob French.
Discussing Strategy! Ssgt. Kerr (standing) & Lt. Benedick sitting to the left.
Lt. Jack’s 2nd Platoon on a routine patrol in the Delta.
“Old Reliables” News Article – May 6, 1967.
Bill Varsafsky pinning our 4th/47th crest on Barbara
Mandrell’s dress……you are the man, Mr. Bill!
“Old Reliables” News Article – April 22, 1967.
Another lovely view of our scenic surroundings while
searching out Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta.
Wow! Here’s a great vacation destination!!
There’s Mike hangin’ out with his good buddies and allowing a kid to smoke. I am shocked and chagrined!
Typical Delta scene – lots of women & kids – no young men.
2nd Platoon still searching for Charlie! He’s pretty
elusive unless he knows you are coming.
Another typical scene in one of the many small hamlets throughout the Mekong Delta.
A couple of 2nd Platoon troopers keeping an eye on some villagers and the villagers are keeping an eye on the troopers.