2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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Lt. Jack Benedick – performing his last 2nd Platoon rifle inspection at Dong Tam prior to his reassignment in September ’67. That’s Sgt. Kerr in tow as Lt. Jack steps away from Mike Cramer &
Bill Reynolds.
Lt. Jack Benedick & RTO Bob French – Gettin’ ready for a patrol out of Dong Tam.
Leavin’ Dong Tam for a patrol on APC’s – Curtis
Irvin in the center & Lt. Jack Benedick to his left
Between patrols & playing’ cards on the USS Winchester County. Left clockwise: “Smilin’ Frank Modde, Curtis Irvin, Mike Cramer, Bill Reynolds, Stan Cockerell and Doc Tanner.
James Holstine taking a
break between patrols on the USS Benewah.
Mike Cramer diggin’ our new sign!
Yo, Freddy Harrell
You’re Lookin’ Great!
Curtis Irvin Lookin’
Pretty Dang Narly!
Dong Tam – September ’67 Center left: Mike Cramer Lower left:  Bill Varsafsky, Curtis Irvin, Bob French, Frank Modde, Bill Reynolds,
SSgt. Dan Kerr, James
Holstine, & Jerry Farber.
Dong Tam – Sept 1967 – Upper
right & weaving down: Frank
Modde, Bob French, Mike Cramer, Jimmie Salazar, ???, Fred Harrell, James Holstine, Curtis Irvin, Bill Varsafsky & Jerry Farber.
Mike Cramer just thrilled to be in Dong Tam. There’s his 2nd Platoon buddies just starting to dig mortar trenches – this is the very beginning of Dong Tam becoming a Mobile Riverine Base Camp in the Delta.
2nd Platoon Troopers on a break between patrols. That’s Danny Fischer in the middle with Mike Cramer on the right. We’re tryin’ to remember the guy on the left… help please!
Ron Schworer, the only guy in our Unit intelligent enough to understand Mad Magazine’s humor.  Approximately one month after this photo was taken, Ron gave the ultimate sacrifice on April 9, 1967 in the Rung Sat Special Zone.
Barbara Mandrel
Entertaining Charlie
Company troopers.
Dong Tam’s PX – a soldier’s favorite place…… unless he’s hunting for the Viet Cong.  Harhar!
Charlie Company’s neighborhood at Camp Bearcat.  February – March 1967…