2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

out in the most trendy night club in Sydney,
Australia accompanied by my two beautiful
Aussie cousins, Gail and Christine.

his fine Australian beauty and
Sherl is her name.

married my cousin Christine not too long
after this photo was taken. Yep, they have
been happily married ever since.

Len, Steve, cousin Gail, and Sherl. While I was on R & R in Sydney, my cousins Christine and Gail, along with their good friends, showed me a terrific time & I will always be grateful to them.

Bob. He totally lucked
out and served in
Germany while I was in
Viet Nam, which was a
tremendous relief for my
mother and father.
Looks like we could’ve
used him down in the
Mekong Delta.

3.2 beer missed – Doh!

to it’s Viet Nam service – The USS
General John Pope docked in
Guam. Photo from Texas State
Trooper, Dennis Deel of
Austin, Texas.