2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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Camp Bearcat – February 1967.  After Charlie Company is three weeks in-country, finally water truck showers.
James Holstine from Austin, Texas, seemingly
taking full credit for fillin’ all of those sandbags!
Another fine Southern California soldier, Gil Rodriguez, from San Fernando.
Charlie Company troopers loading up on a C-130 to leave Camp Bearcat for a short flight to  our new base camp – Dong Tam down in the Mekong Delta.  Late March, 1967.
Southern California warrior,
Donald Jackson from Los Angeles.
2nd Platoon troopers waiting to board a C-130. The sign reads:  Bearcat International – Elevation 32 ft – Please Don’t Pee On Runway.
Dong Tam – Mike Cramer (center) and Tom White (right). Tom was our first replacement.
Jimmie Salazar (Texas) is geared up and ready to get after the Viet Cong as Charlie Company troopers start boarding the Tangos.
Dong Tam – 2nd Platoon buddies – Top Left: Curtis Irvin (Missouri), Bill Reynolds (California) and Bill Varsafsky(Washington). Front Left:
Mike Cramer (California) and Howard Green (Texas).
2nd Platoon troopers, Jerry Farber, Danny Upton, Bill Reynolds, and Bill Varsafsky aboard the USS Benewah.
USS Benewah – Fred Harrell (right) from Georgia, playin’ poker and cleanin’ up……again! Not only was Fred tough in the rice paddies, jungles and swamps
searching for Viet Cong, he was especially
tough between patrols playing cards.
October 1967 aboard the USS Benewah – 2nd Platoon buddies Bill Reynolds, Rollie Gangler and Bob French.
The Mr. Bill’s startin’ to put on a few pounds – check out Varsafsky suckin’ in his stomach.  Nice try, Mr. Bill!
Grizzled combat veterans – Left:   Jimmie Salazar, Bill Reynolds, Jerry Farber,
Ben Acevedo, and Mike Cramer (front).
Howard Green & Bill Reynolds – It’s
beer-thirty at Camp Bearcat.
USS Benewah – Bill Varsafsky, John Sclimenti (there’s, Jimmie Salazar’s Flag), and Mike Cramer coolin’ sodas.
Charlie Company troopers dryin’ out between patrols – there’s Art Debbling at left, John Sclimenti on guitar & Danny Upton at right.
Bill Varsafsky & his 2nd Platoon pals ridin’ a Tango out of the boonies.
John Sclimenti hosin’ down the troops after a grueling patrol in the Mekong.
Mike O’Gara telling Bill Varsafsky
about the last patrol.
James Ericsson, 4th Platoon trooper survived our June 19th Battle but was tragically killed in a horrific motorcycle accident in the San Fernando Valley shortly after Vietnam.
Sometimes it was necessary to cut down trees to enable Huey helicopters to lift out our wonded
 and to resupply the troops with ammunition, fresh water and c-rations.