2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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Lt. Jack Benedick, at left, leading his 2nd Platoon on a patrol near Camp Bearcat. That’s Bob French 2nd from left. . .
Machine gunner, Frank Schwan crossing a stream in the Rung Sat – Frank was seriously wounded in a costly firefight July 11, 1967.
Hello Jimmie Salazar – are you bored out of your skull on guard duty?
Sgt. Dan Kerr talkin’ to Steve Moede (ctr), Willie McTear and Butch Eakins during a patrol on the outskirts of Camp Bearcat.

February, 1967 – Lt. Benedick on the radio with his RTO, Bob French at right.
A rare photo of Ron Schworer, who gave the ultimate sacrifice April 9, 1967.
2nd Platoon troopers at the Rubber Plantation near Bien Hoa. Left:  Willie McTear, Butch Eakins, Earl Eddings, Steve Moede, and Phil Ferro (head down). Butch and Phil lost their lives in battle on July 11, 1967.
The Reynolds boys – Ronnie (Arkansas) at left & Bill (California). Ronnie was seriously wounded August 16, 1967 in a booby trap explosion.
2nd Platoon troopers on patrol in the Delta & leaving the scene of a serious ass kicking on the Viet Cong.  There’s Frank Schwan (Ohio) in front with Larry Hoyle (Calif) behind.
Camp Bearcat – February, 1967 – Ray Layman helping Harold Exum clean his M-16. Ray was wounded in his buttocks by a VC claymore mine in April, 1967 on VC Island.
Bill Reynolds & Mario Lopez entertaining some Mekong Delta kids.
February, 1967 – 2nd Platoon troopers standing by for daily orders at Camp Bearcat. . .