2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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2nd Platoon on the march at Fort Riley, Kansas during Advanced Infantry Training – there’s Earl Eddings (Tennessee) at the left, and Jimmie Salazar (Texas) at center and Ray Layman (Ohio) behind Jimmie.
Jimmie to fire a 3.8 Rocket Launcher at Fort Riley, Kansas – Johnny Vista is loadin’ him up.
Jimmie firin’ his M-14 during Basic Training at Fort Riley.
Yo Jimmie, what is that on your left hand. . . .a little heart tattoo?
Whoa – Cool Jungle Cap, Jimmie! He cannot wait for Viet Nam!
2nd Platoon troopers chowin’ down in the field during Basic Training at Fort Riley.
Jimmie at center and Ronnie Bryan at left. . .
It’s freezing cold at Fort Riley and Jimmie dreams of exotic places.
Finally, Jimmie is on his way to his fantasy vacation. . .
Jimmie brags to Ben Acevedo about his fine R & R, but Ben refuses to believe a 100 ft. long Buddha exists.
Well, there’s a 100 ft. long Buddha alright – Jimmie wasn’t lyin’. Man, what a life, eh Jimmie – you must’ve had a great time.
But I noticed you only sent pictures of women with your pal Mario. What’s up with that!?
R & R is over, and Jimmie is back on the job building bunkers at Dong Tam’s perimeter. Geez, he looks a little grumpy, huh
Uh-oh, desperation sets in and Jimmie is plotting an unauthorized 2nd R & R – could he actually fly one of those things?
Here’s Jimmie’s fine collection of
military memorabilia, which
represents his 15 years of service
to our great Country.  Thank you for
 your service, Jimmie!