1st Platoon, C Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry

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Machine gunner, Jerry Specht from Seattle, with Doc Maibach – goin’ on patrol out of Camp Bearcat.
1st Platoon troopers ready for patrol – Left to Right: Cecil Bridges, Gary “Granny” Gronseth, Lt. B.K. Smith, and Sgt. Bobby Balch.
There’s Gene Harvey (Southern Cal)
hiring a taxi – these Lambretta’s were everywhere around South Viet Nam’s roadways.
Scenes of Vung Tau, South Viet Nam’s premier
resort city, which was an R & R destination for
lucky Charlie Company troopers.
May, 1967 – Sergeants Buford Hoover, Bobby Balch, Ben Acevedo, and John Young on the day we left Dong Tam for the boats.
John Sclimenti, James Nall & Dave Davidson shortly after arrival at Dong Tam in May, 1967 – notice our great facilities – not!
Don Peterson & Doug Wilson – photo taken just days prior to our May 15, 1967 Battle, whereby Don gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Here’s a typical rural Vietnamese home – many of these dirt floor hootches were used by the Viet Cong.
Nov. 23, 1967 – Doc aboard APL-26
hospital ship. Dave Cook’s try at portrait photography with his new Polaroid
Doc’s first suture patient – as you can see by the smiles, he healed quite well. It’s a shame that we do not have this Purple Heart recipient’s name.
Here’s Doc with his medals – the Army
Commendation and Bronze Star – way to go, Doc!
August ’67 – Doc maibach & Elijah Taylor (3rd Platoon) just before Elijah was transferred to the 2nd/39th.  Elijah was an original Charlie Company trooper out of Fort Riley, Kansas.
An Awards Formation for presentation and pinning on of medals earned – December, 1967.
December, 1967 – The Doc’s at work aboard
APL-26 on a soldier’s injured foot.