2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

between patrols on the Navy barrack ships was the best part
of serving in the Mekong Delta.
Introduction Thanks to Ray Layman receiving a hot chunk of metal in his buttocks blasted from a Viet Cong claymore mine in April 1967, an opening presented itself for lucky Tom White to join the 2nd Platoon. It was rough for a replacement to fit in because the rest of us had trained together for 8 months prior to coming to Viet Nam aboard the troop ship, USS General John Pope. However, Tom’s likable personality and willingness to work hard won us all over. He rapidly clicked with everyone as it became obvious that he was a true Old Reliable. Tom could be counted on to carry his weight and do the tough job in God’s worst terrain, the Rung Sat, the rice paddies and jungles of the muddy Mekong Delta.
Bill Reynolds – August 18, 2001
Sadly, I have to report that we lost Tom on April 13, 2012
due to Agent Orange related cancer. He passed away at
Woodside Hospice near his home in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Tom was 63 years of age and was born in Madison, West Virginia. He had recently retired from the U.S. Post Office
after 29 years of service.
Tom is survived by his wife Barbara, his son Thomas E. White, his daughter Patricia L. Meekes, and three grandchildren.
Internment with full military honors will be held at the Neptune Memorial Reef, Florida.
Bill Reynolds – April 25, 2012
Dear Brothers in Arms,
I am deeply saddened to hear of Tom White passing on Friday. He and I joined 2nd platoon as
replacements at about the same time. Tom was always friendly and he was always upbeat and a dam
good trooper in the field. I will always remember him on June 19th loading our wounded onto the
med-evac helicopter while under enemy fire. I always tried to sit with Tom and his wonderful wife
Barbara at our reunions. He was always upfront about his cancer and his diminishing chances of
recovery yet I never heard of him complain about his Vietnam service or even the Agent Orange that most certainly got him 45 years after his tour. He was very proud of his service.
I will miss my Buddy Tom a lot! I am so glad that I got to reconnect with him thru Bill R’s, “Charlie Company” website. Hope to see everyone in New Orleans this September.
Tom Hogle
2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 9th Infantry Division

playin’ soldier from the San Fernando Valley. John was everyone’s good buddy and he even tolerated our replacements…….harhar!

just in time for a few awesome battles and firefights in the Mekong Delta.

Anyone out there know this soldier?

to be in the beautiful and exhilarating Mekong Delta.