3rd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

Introduction What can anyone say about Tim Fischer without mentioning what a fine friend and soldier he was during those tough times so many years ago. Like the rest of us who were part of the original Old Reliables at Fort Riley, he too was drafted May 17, 1966. But Tim was a little different than most of us – I’d say that when he showed up at Custer Hill he brought a certain attitude that put him a cut above most new soldiers. No one was going to do a better job or would be tougher; this young man was there to be all he could be and he was plenty ready to kick ass. Many of us were competitive and did a good job learning the art of soldiering, but Tim took to it like it was nobody’s business. Naturally, during Basic Training, he was selected as a squad leader in the 3rd Platoon – a job that he never relinquished during his almost two years as an Old Reliable. In Viet Nam, out in the jungles, swamps and muddy rice paddies, his physical and mental toughness was readily obvious. All 3rd Platoon troopers felt safer during combat with Tim Fischer nearby. No one was more reliable or more courageous – he would do anything to protect his men and to eliminate the enemy.
Yes, Tim Fischer was highly respected and he had many good friends, but he had a special bond with Tim Johnson. During training at Fort Riley, both Tim’s were over-achievers and they constantly challenged each other. This extra effort nearly killed other 3rd Platoon troopers who were compelled to keep up. Sadly, Tim Johnson lost his life during our horrific battle near Ap Bac Village in the Mekong Delta on June 19th, 1967 – we lost 50 gallant soldiers that day. All of us lost good friends, but it must be said that Tim Fischer lost a very special friend, which he will never forget to his dying day. You see, it was fate that Tim’s R & R had come up and so he was not there that terrible day – oh, he would have given anything to be with his buddies, his men – but it was not to be. To this day, he feels badly that he was not there to protect his best friend, Tim Johnson. To Tim’s credit, and it’s no surprise, throughout all these years he has stayed in contact with the Johnson family.
Tim Fischer, all your buddies are so proud of you and are proud to call you a friend – we former Charlie Company troopers salute you. Tom Conroy – July 22, 2002
I absolutely love this Memorabilia Page! It’s so very true about Tim Fischer, he was a solid soldier from Day One. When I first met Tim, I thought he was one of our cadre and that he needed to chill out because he was so serious., but I soon learned to really listen to him and I soon gained much respect for him. Tim Fischer somehow already knew what lay ahead for us in Viet Nam, while I barely knew where it was and I did not take the thought of dying over there seriously. But after talking with Tim one on one all that changed with me and I started training for war. These pictures are great! John Bradfield – July 23, 2002

McBride (San Francisco) aboard the USS
Benewah down in the Mekong Delta.

EM Club. Left: Steve Hopper, Tim Fischer, Bill Riley, & Jim Cusinelli.