Introduction: Bob Ehlert was one of the most respected and well liked soldiers in the 2nd Platoon. Big Bob could always be counted on to carry the load and get the job done. I will never forget the day Bob was wounded. It was on June 5, 1967 as we were patrolling “VC Island” in the Mekong River. I was walking point and Bob was about 15 feet behind me when a sniper opened up on us. I could just feel the bullets whistling past my head as I threw myself to the ground and rolled into a ditch. Without hesitation, Lt. Jack brought the 2nd Platoon troopers up and everyone blasted away like it was WWIII. The sniper was silenced and we discovered that Bob had been hit three times. He was so lucky as not one bullet had struck any vital parts. Lt. Jack called for a medivac chopper to haul Bob out of the bush and the rest of us chopped out a (LZ) landing zone for the chopper. That was the last time that any of us saw Bob, however, we did receive word that he was going to be okay. After Viet Nam, I was assigned to Fort Leonard Wood to train Basic Trainees. One day in March of 1968, I was walking to the PX when all of a sudden, this big deuce and a half came screeching to a stop right next to me. I looked up and there was Big Bob sittin’ there grinnin’ at me. Boy, did we have a great time catching up on all of the news about our 2nd Platoon buddies. Bob, you were a great friend back then and you will always be a part of our special Charlie Company family. Bill Reynolds – February 4, 2001

From Left: Stan Cockerell, Curtis Irvin, Fred Kenney, Bob Ehlert, & Steve Moede (wearing shirt). Fred Kenney was killed in action July 11, 1967.

a Mobile Riverine Force Monitor.

Camp Bearcat tent – February, 1967.

displaying their war trophy French
rifles taken from a Viet Cong
weapons cache found in a tree
storage structure by the 2nd
Platoon in the Rung Sat. 13 of
these rifles (along with a ton of
munitions) were found and
claimed by 2nd Platoon troopers
that day. However, the rifles
were returned to Dong Tam and
stolen by rear echelon personnel.

Harold Exum taking a breather while on patrol.

Stan Cockerell, Ronnie Bryan
and Bill Reynolds.

Photo provided by Bill Varsafsky.