2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

Introduction Here’s one of my good buddies, Tom Hogle, of Syracuse, New York. Tom joined the 2nd Platoon at Dong Tam as a replacement in May, 1967, and boy was he delighted to be an infantry rifleman. Not! With Tom’s outgoing and friendly personality, he quickly became friends with everyone, even though he was a New Yorker – haha! I give him much credit for he was one of the very few in our unit who volunteered to join the U.S. Army – almost to a man, the rest of us troopers were drafted. Tom was a great point man, but he really preferred carrying a radio and keeping communications going within the platoon for his squad. One of my fondest possessions is the newsclipping of Tom shown below. The photo was taken following our Battalion’s darkest day, June 19, 1967, and Tom represented all of us – it was truly a rough day of brutal combat. A Company was destroyed, 48 young troopers within our Battalion lost their lives, many more were wounded, and six Huey Helicopters were shot down, including two med-evac choppers carrying wounded soldiers. Yes, the mighty 4th/47th prevailed taking out approximately 250 communist soldiers, but it was indeed a costly battle. As you can see here, Tom has led a very good life after leaving the bloody Mekong Delta by furthering his education and becoming a college professor. You can say that Dr. John Thomas Hogle is truly a blessed American Patriot and is giving back to this Great Country. I am very proud to call Tom Hogle my friend. Bill Reynolds – November 6, 2002

THE VIET CONG LOST, THE MUD WON Pfc. John T. Hogle of Syracuse, N.Y., may not be the muddiest soldier in Viet Nam, but he’ll do. This is what he looked like after a 23 hour battle with Viet Cong troops on the fringe of the Mekong Delta.
-A P Wirephoto via Radio from Saigon

Veteran’s Day evening, Bill Reynolds & Tom Hogle
(best buddies in Vietnam) discuss the Sun’s
massive effect on Global Warming.