3rd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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Hello Tim Fischer! Lookin’ for a cocktail?
Tim Fischer, positively one of Charlie Company’s finest
troopers, with Custer Hill Chapel as a backdrop.
One proud and hard workin’ trooper – Tim quickly earned his Sergeant Stripes during training at Fort Riley.
Tim “Bad to the Bone” Fischer still workin’ at being a good soldier.
4th/47th’s Basic Training Graduation Day – July 22, 1966
3rd Platoon buddies, Walter D. Gordon and Tim Fischer. . .
Wild Thing, you make everything………..ga…..roooovyy
Charlie Company trooper’s first voyage with the Mobile
Riverine Force down in the Mekong Delta – April, 1967
Tim’s Chemical Warfare Training
pamphlet and M-60 Machine
Gun manual.
Feb 1967 – Shortly after arriving at Camp Bearcat. Tim’s new home, complete with dirt floor & side flaps.
New Company Commander, Captain Herbert Lind, who replaced Captain Rollo Larson.
It took about 2 months to fix up our Camp Bearcat facility and they promptly moved us down to Dong Tam, so that we could do it all over again.
Welcome to Dong Tam! What a muddy mess…..at first.
Tim showing off our new Charlie Company sign at Dong Tam.
Late December, 1967 at Dong Tam – Charlie Company’s last formation for Captain Herbert E. Lind as he is replaced by Captain Jimmy Plemons.
3rd Platoon troopers preparing to cross another stinkin’ river.
Here’s Tim taking a break during another patrol.
Tim Fischer and Tom Conroy relaxing between patrols.