Mortars Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

1966 and Richard is on leave in Northridge,
California prior to
shipping out to Viet Nam
Introduction Richard Northcott is one of the most fortunate Charlie Company troopers that I have the pleasure of knowing. During the June 19, 1967 battle near Ap Bac village – in rice paddies south of Saigon – Richard’s platoon was caught in the ambush and was practically wiped out. The ambush erupted with small automatic weapons, 50 caliber machine guns and recoilless rifles sending bullets and rockets flying as Richard and his platoon members were traveling in small boats up the narrow creek that separated the main force of Charlie Company and the entrenched Viet Cong. Two Mortars Platoon squads in those boats were instantly killed. Richard’s boat was thoroughly shot up, but he somehow avoided being hit while he swam to shore. It was an absolute miracle that he survived. Bill Reynolds – 10/30/00

Those powdered eggs were gettin’ real old by the time we got to Okinawa. Hey, that looks John Bauler to the front right.

Southeast Asia………. how nice! Is that a smile?

shores via LST from the USS General John Pope.

down this small village – the inhabitants supported local Viet Cong forces.