2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

Specialist Mike O’Gara was my RTO/jeep driver in Vietnam in 1967 with Charlie Company, 4th/47th, 9th Infantry Division. He performed his basic training with Charlie Company at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and moved to Headquarters Company as an RTO/Jeep Driver. He became my jeep driver when I took Command of HHC in September 1966. I learned much from him on how the troops thought and he became a close companion. He chose to transfer with me when I took command of Charlie Company in early June, 1967 in Vietnam.
During the battle on June 19 as Radio Telephone Operator Mike handled calls from Battalion and others by looking at me for reaction. He volunteered to retrieve ammo from the ATC’s and helped get wounded back to the ATC’s. I could always count on Mike and he really came through for Charlie Company on June 19, 1967.
Major Herbert E. Lind, US Army (Retired)
Charlie Company Commander, 1967

Photo courtesy of Bob & Pat Geier – April 2007

cleaning weapons for the next patrol.
Photo courtesy of Bob & Pat Geier – April 2007