Larry proudly displays his Bronze Star with “V” Device Medal and Certificate, which he earned during the deadly battle of June 19, 1967.
Introduction Here’s Larry Lilley, from Lancaster, California. Another fine Southern California lad called upon to serve his country on May 17, 1966. Just two years out of high school and Uncle Sam required him to join the 9th Infantry Division as it was reactivated at Fort Riley, Kansas in preparation for combat in the Mekong Delta’s rice paddies, jungles and swamps. Larry drove his little Red Corvette to Kansas and quickly transformed from a happy go lucky, fun loving young man into a dedicated and well trained fighting soldier. Larry excelled in all aspests of infantry training and was thus promoted to train in the vital job of radio-communications. Soon, he became the 1st Platoon’s primary R-T-O reporting directly to his Platoon Leader. As you can see from the documents below, Larry thoroughly learned his job as he was invaluable when the conditions of terrain and contact with the enemy became extremely rough and perilous – no one was more dependable.
Today, Larry enjoys life immensely, which is abundantly obvious once you see him with his gorgeous wife. As throughout his life, Larry is still playin’ hard and workin’ hard while continuing his successful Palmdale area motorcycle businesses. Larry, you are “Tha Man”! Bill Reynolds – November 23, 2001
1st Platoon Troopers at Dong Tam – Left to right: John “The Wop” Sclimenti, Gary “Doc” Maibach, Marvin “Scarface” Grover, Bob “Skinny” Eisenbach, Otis “Mr. Sun Tan” Nall, Gary “Granny” Gronseth, Larry “Smilin” Lilley, John “J.B.” Bauler, Ben “Ace” Acevedo.
!st Platoon ending a patrol for Viet Cong in the stinkin, rotten, muddy, insect ridden, swamps of the Rung Sat Special Zone.
1st Platoon troopers boarding a Tango for the pleasurable ride to the barracks ship. There’s Doug Wilson (looking down) and Charlie Nelson reaching out.
Sgt. Buford Hoover, Ben Acevedo, Sgt. John Anderson, and Marvin Grover with “Detroit” Dave Davidson with his hand up
2nd Platoon’s Bill Reynolds (in glasses) exhorting Ben Acevedo to get some Viet Cong as the 1st Platoon readies for patrol.
Doc Maibach armed with bandages and C-Rations, but without a weapon. He’s ready for another patrol.
2nd Platoon’s Lt. Jack Benedick about to utilize his most outstanding photography skills in the Mekong Delta. Who said he didn’t know how to use a fancy camera?
1st Platoon troopers, Sergeant John Young, “Detroit” Dave Davidson and Ben Acevedo – these guys are totally bushed having just returned from another muddy patrol.
3rd Platoon’s Wes Ostrum lower his leg into the water and cleaning his boots following a muddy patrol.
3rd Platoon’s Sergeant Pedro Blas cleaning his gear enroute to the barracks ship.
Ray Layman – during a patrol on V.C. Island in April of 1967, Ray’s buttocks caught a hot piece of metal blasted from a crudely built Viet Cong claymore mine.
Larry anxious to use his M-16 and Starlight Scope on 1st Platoon’s next night patrol out of Dong Tam.
Larry’s buddy, Bill Reed hornin’ in on Larry’s favorite weapon.
Fort Riley, Kansas – July 10, 1966 – Two outstanding soldiers, Bill Reed and Larry Lilley, from Palmdale and Lancaster, California. This photo was taken 12 days prior to Basic Training Graduation.