Mario Lopez & Frank Schwan chowin’ down on those fantastic C-Rations while on patrol in the Mekong Delta.
Lt. Jack Benedick talking to Sgt. George Smith – 2nd Platoon on Patrol in the Rung Sat Special Zone.
There’s Frank at the bow and Walt Radowenchuk wearin’ the cool Hollywood shades.
Idoluis Casares (Brownsville, Texas) seems to be ignoring a very important Platoon formation. Whot Tha!?
James Holstine (Austin, Texas), Steve Moede (Reseda, California) & Fred Kenney (Canoga Park, California).
Here’s our good buddy, Nelson Makinson – we lost Nelson to pneumonia Nover 12, 2008.
Frank’s favorite past time, crossing rivers in the Mekong while carrying his M-60 machine gun.
Steve Melvin, Mario Lopez, Frank Schwan and their ladies Summer of 1966 – Fort Riley Kansas.
Frank proudly displays his fine locker at Custer Hill – Fort Riley Kansas.
2nd Platoon between patrols at Camp Bearcat – Frank Modde facing camera, Bill Varsafsky at rear left & Ray Layman at Bill’s left.
Camp Bearcat
Mario Lopez writing a letter home – Camp Bearcat – March 1967.
Earl Eddings resting up before another 2nd Platoon Patrol out of Camp Bearcat. Photo taken Feb – March 1967,
Earl Eddings & Mario Lopez standing tall!
Mario Lopez (standing), Fred Harrell and Earl Eddings. . .
Frank Schwan & Earl Eddings takin’ a break during a patrol near Dong Tam.
Charlie Company’s carpenter squad at Camp Bearcat Fred Harrell carrying Earl Eddings, Harold King at the right, Nelson Makinson looking up with Ray Layman at the left.