2nd Platoon, C Company, 4th/47th Battalion, 2nd Brigade

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Looks like Larry Hoyle is expecting a major mosquito war.

Introduction Larry Hoyle, another 2nd Platoon original member, who was also drafted on May 17, 1966 and joined the 9th Infantry Division as it was reactivated for combat in the Mekong Delta.  I grew up with Larry and his twin brother Berry in the Antelope Valley of Southern California. While growing up, we did a lot of really stupid things and were fortunate to have survived adolescence.  Berry ended up in Germany while Larry and I went to the 9th Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas. There were about nine of us drafted from our area at that time and most of us ended up with the 9th – all of us became very good friends as some of us previously knew each other.

On one terrible day, June 19, 1967, three of the nine lost their lives in battle. We discovered that surviving adolescence was trivial compared to the Mekong Delta.  Larry and I have stayed in touch throughout all these years, but recently when we were talking about this Web Site and the Charlie Company Reunion, he inquired about his good friend from the 2nd Platoon, Mike Cramer.  Larry believed that Mike had been killed over there.  It was my great pleasure to correct his misperception and to help  each other. Mike and Larry had a terrific phone conversation reminiscing about their good ole days spent together at Fort Riley’s beer hall listening to “California Dreaming”, “Monday, Monday” and “The SLoop John B”. Most of the Southern California guys hung out there. They also discussed meeting each other occasionally as many of us “Old Reliables” are doing these days.  Larry said that he must have been blessed by God because after he transferred from the 2nd Platoon, approximately July 1967, he was sent to a 4th Infantry Division fire-base camp near Pleiku. The next day, he was moved to another fire-base camp and within a very short period of time, the Viet Cong suddenly launched a major siege on both base camps.  His base camp suffered many casualties while the other base camp was overrun and suffered 80% casualties. Yes indeed, Larry Hoyle is truly one blessed man.
Tom Conroy – July 4, 2001

Notice how Mike Cramer is really enjoying his really fine c-ration meal during a break on patrol.
Here’s Steve Moede – 2nd Platoon’s famous rough n ready trooper. Anyone recall “the letter”……?
Chow time in Dong Tam’s mess hall – Sergeant’s Pedro Blas
on the left and John Young to the right.
Bob Ehlert from Minnesota and Bob French
from Florida – 2nd Platoon troopers.
2nd Platoon’s Idoluis Casares feeling right at home in his ultra luxurious U.S. Army issue tent – Dong Tam, South Viet Nam.
4th Platoon’s Richard Northcott day dreamin’ about burgers, beers, chicks, and cruisin’ Van Nuys Boulevard back home in the San Fernando Valley (north of Los Angeles, California).
Here’s our buddy, Marion “Butch” Eakins from Edelstein, Illinois. Butch lost his life in battle as a Viet Cong force had the 2nd & 3rd Platoon troopers pinned down in a rice paddy – July 11, 1967.
Bill Geier, 2nd Platoon’s medic, carrying an M-79 grenade launcher.  Our good friend Bill, lost his life in a huge battle in the rice paddies near Ap Bac Village – June 19, 1967. 50 US troopers and 250 enemy soldiers died that day…..
Sergeant George Smith clearing an LZ for Hueys to resupply 2nd Platoon troopers. Smitty lost his life right next to Butch Eakins, Phil Ferro, and Harold King July 11, 1967. 3rd Platoon’s Fred Kenney also died in that battle.
These brave men fought gallantly to their death as expended M-16 shells were found laying all around their bodies
2nd Platoon troopers crossing another stinkin’ river in the wet and muddy Mekong Delta.
There’s Frank Schwan carrying his M-60 machine gun.