A Day Remembered!
Maps | After Action Report | News Paper Article | Recollections | Saving Rademacher | June 19, 1967 Memories by Huey Gunship Pilot, Sonny Kayser

This photo, taken after the 4th/47th’s huge battle on June 19, 1967, made the New York Times front page and many other major US newspapers. Pfc. John Hogle was with Lt. Jack Benedick’s 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company.
Danny Fisher treadin’ the Mekong Delta’s Brown Water. Newsclipping provided by Mike Cramer, 2nd Plt, C/4/47.

Pockmarked paddies testify to the ferocity of the three day battle fought by the 9th Division in Long An Province last week. The circular pits, which quickly filled with water, were caused by bombs from air strikes and artillary rounds. On this ground, elements of The Old Reliables killed 250 enemy. 9th Signal Battalion Photo for The Old Reliable Newspaper by Sp4 John Millaire.
The two photos below, provided by Lt. Hunt – 1st Platoon, C/4/47, show his troopers taking cover and firing at the enemy while pinned down behind the only cover they had – a berm separating them from a dug-in VC force just yards away.

Chaplain Bernard Windmiller’s letter to his wife Esther, following our June 19th Battle. Photos: Chaplain Windmiller conducts Prayer Service in the field and is Decorated for Bravery.

Letter home from Clarence Shires, 1st Platoon, Charlie Company, 4th/47th